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Description générée automatiquementWho or what is it we are murdering ?


Criminalists, when processing crime scenes, rely on DNA and fingerprints to identify suspects. Did this glass in the crime scene belong to the victim? Was it touched by the suspect? Dust it for fingerprints and swab it for DNA and if a human being touched it, we will know even which human it was. That’s the value of DNA and fingerprint evidence relative to the nature and identity of a suspect.

If you’re wondering what’s in the womb during a pregnancy, these same forensic tools can help you answer the question. The nature and identity of the fetus can be determined in the same way we identify suspects:

DNA. The moment an egg is fertilized, the resulting fetus has a unique DNA, distinct from the mother and father. This DNA will not change over the course of its entire life, and the distinct nature of the DNA identifies the fetus as a member of the human species immediately.


Fingerprints. Fingerprints begin to develop relatively early in the life of the fetus. Pads form on its fingertips and palms within 6 to 13 weeks of conception, and as early as 10 weeks, these pads begin to develop the epidermal ridges destined to become fingerprints. From the very beginning they are unique to the fetus, and by 21 to 24 weeks they will possess their final, mature form.


Science affirms that life begins at conception. The fetus is a unique, distinct human being. He or she has a unique human DNA and develops uniquely human fingerprints very early in his or her maturation process.  


Each of us kills something almost every day. We spray ants, swat flies, and pull weeds from our garden. We don’t give these killings much thought because we are certain these things are not human as they fail to possess human DNA or fingerprints. This is not the case for the fetal humans killed every day in abortions across the world.

According to WHO figures, at least 73 million abortions are performed each year, that is more than 200,000 per day! Pre-born children, who are vulnerable and voiceless, are cruelly and violently murdered, and dismissed as less than human in our society today.

However, we can be certain, on the basis of their distinct DNA and fingerprints, of the true nature and identity of what and who it is we are murdering. The DNA and fingerprint evidence that indicate there is a human at a crime scene, also demonstrates there is a human being in the womb. If it is immoral and cruel to kill a one year old child, it is as immoral and cruel to kill a child in the womb.

From Genesis to Revelation, God is all pro life. His Word says He is inside the woman, at the moment of conception, assembling the technology of this child. God does not distinguish between born and pre-born life as can be seen in several passages of the Bible :

Psalm 139 :13-14: You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Jeremiah 1 : 4-5 : Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.

Galatians 1 :15 : God, who had chosen me and set me apart before I was born.

We put warnings on cigarettes and alcohol recognizing their consumption is dangerous to an unborn child. Yet it is legal for a mother to have a doctor poison that same child inside her or violently remove it from her womb and kill it. What value do we really place on human life?

God cares for the unborn, They are a part of His creation and they have an eternal spirit. In the eyes of God, you are who you are from the point of conception.